Leafy Spurge

Leafy spurge is a common noxious weed that is very difficult to control because of its deep root structure. Hand-pulling this weed releases a toxic, milky substance, which can cause skin irritation. It can even cause blindness. Each plant can produce 30 to 130 seeds, and most of those seeds will germinate within 2 years. The plants can reproduce by root, as well.


This plant will produce only a rosette during the first year, so control during that time is critical. In its second year of growth this plant will produce many seeds which stick to animals, people, and vehicles. Houndstongue contains tumorigenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are toxic and can kill livestock

Spotted Knapweed

This weed has allelochemicals or allelopathies that act as a natural herbicide to inhibit other plant species from growing within their vicinity. Spotted knapweed is a highly adaptable plant. It can be found nearly everywhere in Montana. It will even adapt to mowing and grow shorter and shorter to bloom at very low heights, which is why this plant can vary in height from two inches to four feet.

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